Mar 19, 2018

Brief History of St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's birthname was Maewyn. He was born in Roman Britain. He was captured by the use of force into slavery and brought to Ireland. He escaped to a place where religious people live by themselves in Gaul (France) and converted to Christianity. He went back to Ireland in 432 as a missionary. While Christianity had already taken hold in the country, tradition has it that Patrick angrily stood up to the Druids at Tara and permanently stopped their pagan ceremonies, making Christianity ever more popular. Patrick became a (supervisor of several churches) and after his death was named Ireland's patron saint. Celebrations in Ireland were (described something as less than it was) though. When the Irish moved (out of a country) to the U.S., they created the bigger celebrations and parades known today. Eighteenth century Irish soldiers who fought in the Revolutionary War held the first St. Patrick Day parades. The celebrations became a way for the Irish to connect with their roots after they moved to America. See a short video here.

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